Monday, June 18, 2007

When push comes to guv | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist

When push comes to guv | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist:
"Ahhhnold is calling out the U.S. government for being a bunch of girly men and women on climate change. On Monday, he teamed up with Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell, a fellow Republican, to chastise the folks on the Hill for 'inaction and denial' on climate change in an open letter published in the Washington Post. Not only have they failed to take major federal action, they've also tried to thwart actions by progressive states like California and Connecticut, the governors said.

'It's bad enough that the federal government has yet to take the threat of global warming seriously,' wrote the guvs, 'but it borders on malfeasance for it to block the efforts of states such as California and Connecticut that are trying to protect the public's health and welfare.'"