Friday, June 29, 2007

Newington Town Crier - A step toward ratepayer relief

Newington Town Crier - A step toward ratepayer relief: "One of the votes that I'm most proud of in my thirteen years as a state legislator is my vote in 1998 against electrical deregulation. I was one of seventeen out of the 151 State House of Representative members that did not believe it was the right move for Connecticut. Since then, electric bills have gone up and ratepayers have struggled with the increased costs.

During this year's regular session, we took steps to help fix the energy problems that we're facing. We passed legislation with overwhelming support that I hope will help to reduce our demand for electricity and lower prices. It's not a perfect bill, but we're working with a system that, because of federal regulations and the high price of gas and oil, we have very limited control over. ..."