Thursday, April 19, 2007

Enviromental injustice: Two words, too little time - News

Enviromental injustice: Two words, too little time - News: "Never heard of "environmental injustice?" Well, it is happening right here, right now.

Earth Day Awareness Week kicked off Monday with a lecture given by Doctor Mark Mitchell, the founder and president of the Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice (CCEJ), who addressed issues of environmental justice.

Mitchell's speech hit close to home, literally, as he explained how low income cities, including Bridgeport, are suffering from the pollution being created. This pollution, according to Mitchell, could be causing serious health problems for residents in the area.

Mitchell explained that a large amount of the garbage in Connecticut is burned. When the garbage is burned it releases toxins into the air that, according to Mitchell, seem to have a direct correlation with an abundance of health problems.

Some health problems that have been linked with the excess of pollution in concentrated areas include: Asthma, allergies, cancer, diabetes, and low birth weight.

Since the university campus is located in such close proximity to the affected, low-income areas, students like Christine Iwerks, sophomore, Meriden, are reconsidering the importance of environmental justice. ..."