Friday, April 6, 2007 | Economist Sizes Up A Global Risk | Economist Sizes Up A Global Risk
Gary Yohe, a professor at Wesleyan University, has been in Brussels this week, helping to draft the final wording of the latest global warming report from the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Due today, the report will confirm with greater certainty than ever before that some of the most dire consequences of global warming - mass extinctions, wildfires, deadly heat waves and water shortages - are already occurring and will accelerate.

Yohe is not a biologist or climatologist, or someone easily labeled an alarmist. He is an economist, who began working on climate change long before it was recognized as a danger. His expertise in calculating risk puts him at the center of the serious, evolving discussion over global warming. Now that science has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that greenhouse gases are causing the planet to heat up, the question is what can or should be done to stop it.