San Francisco Sentinel � Blog Archives � Schwarzenegger in Washington to speed California regulation of auto emissions
WASHINGTON, DC — Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today met with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen Johnson in to push California ’s request for a federal waiver to restrict auto emissions.
Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling saying that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate greenhouse gases, which led the agency to take steps toward reviving California ’s petition for a waiver.
“Last week’s Supreme Court ruling opened the door for California to move forward in setting our own strict vehicle emission standards to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Governor Schwarzenegger.
“Today, I am calling on the federal government to expedite our request for a waiver which will allow us to carry on the fight against global warming. Californians want to be free to protect the environment and we deserve nothing less.
“With technology that exists today, California ’s vehicle emissions standards are eminently achievable — It is not a matter a technological ability, it’s a matter of political will. ....”